



Variables are consistently used as environment variables as a developer and in all platforms. The names of the variables should be UPPER_CASE with underscores denoting spaces. The values of the variables should be lowercase. The values should contain no spaces.


Name Category Scope Description Examples
ORGANISATION General Organisation The name of the organisation. [‘datagriff’, ‘hungovercoders’, ‘dogadopt’, ‘starwalks’]
UNIQUE_NAMESPACE General Organisation The unique four character namespace of the organisation. This is used in resources to make them more likely to be globally unique. [‘dgrf’, ‘hngc’, ‘dgad’, ‘stwa’]
ENVIRONMENT General Environment The name of the environment that the resource exists. [‘development’, ‘uat’, ‘production’]
TEAM General Team The name of the team. [‘whiskey’, ‘dogwalk’, ‘dogrescue’]
DOMAIN General Domain The name of the domain that the resource belongs to. [‘platform’, ‘whiskeyreviews’, ‘dogwalkscheduling’]
ARM_TENANT_ID Azure Organisation The tenant id of the Azure account  
ARM_REGION Azure Organisation The region that resources are deployed to. [‘northeurope’, ‘westeurope’]
ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID Azure Environment and team or organisation The id of the Azure subscription  
ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME Azure Environment and team or organisation The name id of the Azure subscription  
ARM_CLIENT_ID Azure Environment and team or organisation The client id of an application registration in Azure  
ARM_CLIENT_SECRET Azure Environment and team or organisation The client secret of an application registration in Azure  

Dynamic Values

Name Category Scope Description Examples
ENVIRONMENT_SHORTCODE General Environment The shortcode of the environment that the resource exists. This is derived from the ENVIRONMENT variable. [‘dev’, ‘uat’, ‘prd’]
ARM_REGION_SHORTCODE Azure Organisation The shortcode of the region the resource belongs to. [‘eun’, ‘euw’]
ARM_RESOURCE_TYPE_SHORTCODE Azure Resource The shortcode of the resource type in Azure. This is derived from the Azure resource type. Link


Below are how resources should be implemented and tagged.

Description Category Format Example
Resource Tagging GENERAL environment={ENVIRONMENT_SHORTCODE};domain={DOMAIN};team={TEAM};organisation={ORGANISATION}; tags = {environment = var.environment organisation = var.organisation team = domain = var.domain}
Azure resource groups AZURE {ENVIRONMENT_SHORTCODE}-{DOMAIN}-{UNIQUE_NAMESPACE} dev-whiskeyreviews-hngc
Resources that allow hyphens CLOUD {ENVIRONMENT_SHORTCODE}-{DOMAIN}-{REGION_SHORTCODE}-{UNIQUE_NAMESPACE} dev-whiskeyreviews-eun-hngc
Resources that don’t allow hyphens CLOUD {ENVIRONMENT_SHORTCODE}-{DOMAIN}-{REGION_SHORTCODE}-{UNIQUE_NAMESPACE} devwhiskeyreviewseunhngc

Variables Implementation







Name Category Description Construction Examples
TF_VAR_team General This is the name of the team that owns the terraform resource export TF_VAR_team=$TEAM [“hungovercoders”,”datagriff”,”dogadopt”]
TF_VAR_domain General This is the name of the domain the terraform resource belongs to export TF_VAR_domain=$DOMAIN [‘platform’, ‘whiskeyreviews’, ‘dogwalkscheduling’]
TF_BACKEND_RESOURCE_GROUP Azure This is the name of the resource group that contains the storage account that holds the state of resources TF_BACKEND_RESOURCE_GROUP=”state-rg-$UNIQUE_NAMESPACE” [“state-hngc”,”state-dgrf”,”state-dgad”]
TF_BACKEND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT Azure This is the name of the storage account that holds the state of resources TF_BACKEND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=”statesa$UNIQUE_NAMESPACE” [“statehngc”,”statedgrf”,”statedgad”]
TF_BACKEND_CONTAINER Azure This is the name of the storage account container that holds the state of resources in the correct environment TF_BACKEND_CONTAINER=$ENVIRONMENT [“development”,”uat”,”production”]
TF_VAR_environment Azure This is the name of the environment that the terraform resource is going to be deployed to export TF_VAR_environment=$ENVIRONMENT [“development”,”uat”,”production”]
TF_VAR_unique_namespace Azure This is the name of the unique organisational namespace that the terraform resource will belong to and act as a postfix to resources export TF_VAR_unique_namespace=$UNIQUE_NAMESPACE [“hngc”,”dgrf”,”dgad”]
TF_VAR_organisation Azure This is the name of the organisation that owns the terraform resource export TF_VAR_organisation=$ORGANISATION [“hungovercoders”,”datagriff”,”dogadopt”]
TF_VAR_region Azure This is the name of the Azure region that the terraform resource will deploy to export TF_VAR_region=$ARM_REGION [“northeurope”,”westeurope”]


Topic Naming

Rough Examples

Event format