Variables are consistently used as environment variables as a developer and in all platforms. The names of the variables should be UPPER_CASE with underscores denoting spaces. The values of the variables should be lowercase. The values should contain no spaces.
Name | Category | Scope | Description | Examples |
ORGANISATION | General | Organisation | The name of the organisation. | [‘datagriff’, ‘hungovercoders’, ‘dogadopt’, ‘starwalks’] |
UNIQUE_NAMESPACE | General | Organisation | The unique four character namespace of the organisation. This is used in resources to make them more likely to be globally unique. | [‘dgrf’, ‘hngc’, ‘dgad’, ‘stwa’] |
ENVIRONMENT | General | Environment | The name of the environment that the resource exists. | [‘development’, ‘uat’, ‘production’] |
TEAM | General | Team | The name of the team. | [‘whiskey’, ‘dogwalk’, ‘dogrescue’] |
DOMAIN | General | Domain | The name of the domain that the resource belongs to. | [‘platform’, ‘whiskeyreviews’, ‘dogwalkscheduling’] |
ARM_TENANT_ID | Azure | Organisation | The tenant id of the Azure account | |
ARM_REGION | Azure | Organisation | The region that resources are deployed to. | [‘northeurope’, ‘westeurope’] |
ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID | Azure | Environment and team or organisation | The id of the Azure subscription | |
ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME | Azure | Environment and team or organisation | The name id of the Azure subscription | |
ARM_CLIENT_ID | Azure | Environment and team or organisation | The client id of an application registration in Azure | |
ARM_CLIENT_SECRET | Azure | Environment and team or organisation | The client secret of an application registration in Azure |
Name | Category | Scope | Description | Examples |
ENVIRONMENT_SHORTCODE | General | Environment | The shortcode of the environment that the resource exists. This is derived from the ENVIRONMENT variable. | [‘dev’, ‘uat’, ‘prd’] |
ARM_REGION_SHORTCODE | Azure | Organisation | The shortcode of the region the resource belongs to. | [‘eun’, ‘euw’] |
ARM_RESOURCE_TYPE_SHORTCODE | Azure | Resource | The shortcode of the resource type in Azure. This is derived from the Azure resource type. | Link |
Below are how resources should be implemented and tagged.
Description | Category | Format | Example |
Resource Tagging | GENERAL | environment={ENVIRONMENT_SHORTCODE};domain={DOMAIN};team={TEAM};organisation={ORGANISATION}; | tags = {environment = var.environment organisation = var.organisation team = domain = var.domain} |
Azure resource groups | AZURE | {ENVIRONMENT_SHORTCODE}-{DOMAIN}-{UNIQUE_NAMESPACE} | dev-whiskeyreviews-hngc |
Resources that allow hyphens | CLOUD | {ENVIRONMENT_SHORTCODE}-{DOMAIN}-{REGION_SHORTCODE}-{UNIQUE_NAMESPACE} | dev-whiskeyreviews-eun-hngc |
Resources that don’t allow hyphens | CLOUD | {ENVIRONMENT_SHORTCODE}-{DOMAIN}-{REGION_SHORTCODE}-{UNIQUE_NAMESPACE} | devwhiskeyreviewseunhngc |
Name | Category | Description | Construction | Examples |
TF_VAR_team | General | This is the name of the team that owns the terraform resource | export TF_VAR_team=$TEAM | [“hungovercoders”,”datagriff”,”dogadopt”] |
TF_VAR_domain | General | This is the name of the domain the terraform resource belongs to | export TF_VAR_domain=$DOMAIN | [‘platform’, ‘whiskeyreviews’, ‘dogwalkscheduling’] |
TF_BACKEND_RESOURCE_GROUP | Azure | This is the name of the resource group that contains the storage account that holds the state of resources | TF_BACKEND_RESOURCE_GROUP=”state-rg-$UNIQUE_NAMESPACE” | [“state-hngc”,”state-dgrf”,”state-dgad”] |
TF_BACKEND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT | Azure | This is the name of the storage account that holds the state of resources | TF_BACKEND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=”statesa$UNIQUE_NAMESPACE” | [“statehngc”,”statedgrf”,”statedgad”] |
TF_BACKEND_CONTAINER | Azure | This is the name of the storage account container that holds the state of resources in the correct environment | TF_BACKEND_CONTAINER=$ENVIRONMENT | [“development”,”uat”,”production”] |
TF_VAR_environment | Azure | This is the name of the environment that the terraform resource is going to be deployed to | export TF_VAR_environment=$ENVIRONMENT | [“development”,”uat”,”production”] |
TF_VAR_unique_namespace | Azure | This is the name of the unique organisational namespace that the terraform resource will belong to and act as a postfix to resources | export TF_VAR_unique_namespace=$UNIQUE_NAMESPACE | [“hngc”,”dgrf”,”dgad”] |
TF_VAR_organisation | Azure | This is the name of the organisation that owns the terraform resource | export TF_VAR_organisation=$ORGANISATION | [“hungovercoders”,”datagriff”,”dogadopt”] |
TF_VAR_region | Azure | This is the name of the Azure region that the terraform resource will deploy to | export TF_VAR_region=$ARM_REGION | [“northeurope”,”westeurope”] |