git init ## initialise a new git repo
git add . ## add all files in the directory to git repo
git add "filename" ## add specific file to the git repo
git status ## check the status of files in the git repo
git commit -m "message" ## commit your working code to the git repo with a message
git commit --amend --no-edit ## amend last commit without creating another one with for example small change
git reset --hard HEAD^ ## go back to commit before last
git remote add origin "" ## add a remote repo to synch your local repo with
git pull "" main ## synch your local repo with a remote repo
git push origin main ## push your locally committed changes to the remote repo
git pull ##pull any changes made in the remote repo to your local repo
git log --oneline ## see commits
git branch branch-name ## create new branch
git checkout branch-name ## checkout the branch
git merge other-branch ## merge other-branch into current branch
git branch --list ## what branches are there in the repo
git log -v ## see the change history in a branch
git log -p ## see actual change for a commit
git reset --hard {versionid} ## revert to previous version
git branch -D branch-name ## hard deletes branch even if not merged
You can find your git configuration file in C:\Users{username}.gitconfig.
email =
git config --global "HUNGOVER CODER"
git config --global ""
git config --global http.proxy
<type=feat|fix|perf|build|ci|chore|docs|refactor|revert|style|test>[(optional scope)]: <description, imperative, present tense, lowercase, no dot at end>
Optional body section.
Motivation for the change and contrast with previous behaviour.
Can span multiple lines.
[BREAKING CHANGE: :warning: <description, imperative, present tense, lowercase, no dot at end>]
[Closes / Fixes #123, #456, #789]
- Additional links and meta-information
- Additional links and meta-information
- Additional links and meta-information
Type | Meaning | Description |
feat | Features | A new feature |
fix | Bug fixes | A bug fix |
docs | Documentation | Documentation only changes |
style | Styles | Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code |
refactor | Code Refactoring | Code change neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature |
perf | Performance Improvements | Code change that improves performance |
test | Tests | Adding missing tests or correct existing tests |
build | Builds | Changes that affect build or deployment pipelines |
chore | Chores | Other changes that don’t modify src or test files |
revert | Reverts | Reverts a previous commit |
Following ensures use of conventional commits and automatic syncing on commit!